1hely: Embrance the Evil, Crosscheck Carlos, Hasty Road, Rhe Joy of Motion, Ode to an Angel, My Little Butterfly, Pracer for Relief
2.hely: Niamara, Jelly Bean,War Front di Etro, Last Chalsin, Deo Volente, Darth Vader, Raise a Native
3.hely: The Echo's Prisoner, Dancing Moss, Ready or Not , Free Style, GW Sandocan, Street Lamp of Straight, Jess's Dream
Abszolt gyztes: Embrance the Evil
1.Hely: Kiwi's Damsel, Genuine Risk, Rocking Bird, Hard to Face Reality, Comfort Zone, Spain Burg, Night Elves, Queen of Fire
2.Hely: Last Spirit River, Army Soul, Living's Candy Angel, Legendary Cricket, Venemous Dream, Scenic Stardust, Last Awesom Lucifer
3.Hely: Whatachock, Last Sweet Kiss, Vinnige Story, Arnica Gris, Sacra Terra, Lord Charismatic, Milton Freewater
Abszolt gyztes: Kiwi's Damsel
1.hely: The Last Namsara,Heaven's Runner Boy, Paranormal Sunset d'Oro, Living's Evening, Hoffenheim, Tada d'Oro, Scenic Black Demon
2.hely: Mis Hot Royal Attire, Lexington Empire, Santa's Sleigh, Murphy's Law la Damsel, Northen Trial, Stage Dive, Hot Boy of Deep
3.Hely: Feeling of Danger, Bodhisattva, Wexford Sunrise, American Dream Patriot, Run for the Roses y Hermoso
Abszolt gyztes: The Last Namsara
1.Hely: Swift Dancer, American Promise, Living The Hope II.,Look at Over, Last Legend, Deathly Roger, Warrent, Spectacor, Perfect Illusion, Chalsin Miracle
2.Hely: Leonidas the Spartan, Without Makeup,Hakuna Matata,Candy Ride SH, Hot Daisy HS,Mascot Lantern Light, Smoking Nirvana, Hades de Norte, Angry Armada
3.Hely: Living's Liam the Charmer SH, Beneficious da Vida, Rising Star SH, Violin Key, Materiality, Just Om, Mystical Princess, Best Whishes
Abszolt gyztes: Swift Dancer
30.000 LP
1st place in El Calvera Galopp
20.000 LP
2nd place in El Calvera Galopp
3rd place in El Calvera Galopp
Abszolt gyztes:
50.000 LP
Absolut Winner in El Calvera Galopp